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Worst Fire in California's History

On October 9, 2017, Resopathy Institute was ravaged by the most destructive fire (and worst natural disaster) in California's history. In a few short hours, the raging inferno destroyed everything BRMI Advisor Kimchi Moyer, L.Ac. had spent the last 40 years creating - including even the few possessions Kimchi's family had managed to save when they fled Vietnam in the 1970s.

Kimchi remains an inspiration to us all. She firmly believes that every new beginning is an opportunity to create an even better version of ourselves.

While all tangible possessions perished, her dreams and vision for the future remain intact. She - and the institute she founded - are dedicated to rebuilding piece by piece.

A few days after the fire, Kimchi launched to put forth her vision of building an institute to pass on all her knowledge, derived from decades of meticulous data-driven research – something that can never be destroyed by fire.

Kimchi plans to reconstruct her infrastructure, replace her equipment, and restore her data, so that she might pass on knowledge of her data-driven modality.

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