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Speech delivered by Kimchi Moyer, L.Ac. at Nexus Global YouthSummit, United Nations/

New School
July 28, 2

Nexus 2017 Global Youth Summit

I am Kimchi Moyer and I am honored to be here with you today, the Nexus community, to share what I’ve learned from my trips to Bhutan.


For over 25 years, I've been working in the health field as a biological medicine practitioner and a resopath. A resopath uses resonance technologies to gather biological data by measuring the body's natural electrical field.

The human body and Planet Earth have striking similarities. Our body is a world comprised of trillions of cells cohabitating with diverse species of microbes inside us. Our planet is one body of billions of people cohabitating with multiple species sharing the same soil.


Our internal ecology affects the health of our body. Trillions of cells and microbes must work together for our body to function at its optimal level. If our internal ecosystem is not correct, our body becomes inflamed and begins to degenerate.


Similarly, if we disrupt the ecosystem of our planet, temperatures may change, our planet degenerates and is unable to support life.


I’ve had the privilege to meet and work with people at the height of their success, people who sell their youth to be at the top of their game, but at an expensive cost to their body. They are plagued by headaches, too sick to travel, forced to have incredibly strict diets, and can’t even enjoy the lives that they have created.


A lot of us see the same thing in the world today. We all want to be successful, make a living, develop the next innovative product that changes people's lives, and leave a legacy. What we don't consider is that we may take an unsustainable path to get there. Not only do we often neglect our own health, but we also disregard the health of our planet. What's the point of working to create if we no longer have a body or a world to enjoy it in?


Astonishingly, Bhutan is the only country in the world that is carbon negative. Bhutan is also the first country to measure the conditions to create happiness.


What I learned in Bhutan is that - when they work to create and develop something new, the people stop to ask - WHAT are we developing and HOW are we developing it? Are we focused on achieving a short-term goal at any cost, or can we have the foresight to take a sustainable path that will keep us achieving for years to come?

I'd now like to introduce the Emissary of the Gross National Happiness Initiative. Our goal with this program is to demonstrate that not only can economic success - traditionally measured as GDP - work hand-in-hand with conscientiousness and development of values - now measured as GNH - but that both GDP and GNH must coexist if we want to create and leave behind a healthy planet for the generations to come.

Now, we invite you to experience the Kingdom of Happiness - Bhutan - through this short video.
















The Gross National Happiness Initiative recognizes that a healthy and sustainable environment - both on the personal level and planetary level - is crucial to our world, our economy, and ourselves. Imagine us in a world 20 years from now, happy and abundant, with your generation leading the charge. 


We invite you to join our GNH Emissary Program, and help us leave behind a world that's even better than we found it.

© 2017-2019 by resopathy institute

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